
First Topic about Cohortium!! So good. Can't wait

Can't wait to get this out to the world

Relationships are at the heart of community, but community managers face a consistent barrier in fostering these relationships, engaging members, and tying community to business objectives: 

Technology is expensive, disconnected, or unnecessarily complex. 

Without better solutions for community management, relationship building suffers, both with external audiences and internal teams.

Introducing cohortium

Bringing the world together in an easy-to-use, 100% HubSpot-hosted community built to manage relationships: relationships between people, the topics they love and the cohorts they value while also bringing the context of CRM to community management.

cohortium transitions Community Managers from “community moderators” to

“community relationship managers.”

Create Worldwide Connections with a 

CRM-Powered Community


Discussion (5)

This is so exciting!

Cant wait to launch this thing!

Hello this is a reply